
"Willa Cather and the Counterculture"—An Immersive Weekend in Taos, New Mexico

We’re excited to share a brand-new opportunity to experience Cather in context—join us in Taos, New Mexico, for a 3-day, 3-night excursion, November 12–15, 2020! We’ll explore the beautiful mountain town and the best of its historic and arts offerings, while learning about Cather’s time in New Mexico. We’ll discuss and share from Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop and The Professor’s House, as well as a host of selected outside readings, in addition to touring the Father Martinez Hacienda and Taos Pueblo, the Fechin House and the Millicent Rogers museum and more; our time together will be hosted by the Mabel Dodge Luhan House, where Cather herself was a guest.

Taos has long been considered a nexus of countercultural thought, even before the term was coined in the 1960s. When Mabel Dodge settled in Taos and began to invite her friends and artists from the East in 1918, she did so with the idea of establishing not just an artists’ colony but a completely different lifestyle. Later, her house would be purchased by Dennis Hopper, who had his own vision of the counterculture lifestyle. “Willa Cather and the Counterculture” explores Cather’s relationship with Taos and its resident artists—both good and bad—alongside the artists’ relationship to the Taos area itself.

This event will be limited to thirty guests based on house capacity, so plan to register early! Details and registration can be found here!

For questions about the program, please contact education director Tracy Tucker at